We believe that a student’s journey is a yes AND, not an either or.

BA Economics (USC)
MA International Relations (Yale) 
Juris Doctor (NYU Law)
Chef Certification (Natural Gourmet Institute)

I've studied at eight universities in four different countries, and have three degrees and a chef certification.

When I was a college student, I struggled to find my place in academia. I felt societal pressure to take a traditional academic path towards a respectable profession. My loving parents always wanted the best for me, but they left it up to the school to guide me. I never saw a clear path for someone like me, which led to costly experimentation with various degree programs.
Overtime, I looked internally and explored my true passions and interests and designed a pathway to my academic success. Creating this pathway led me on a career journey that I loved. And now I help students who like me are multi-passionate, a little lost, but determined to find a clear path to academic success. 

academic advocate

Hi, I'm

Hi, I'm Tiffani.

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Life is a yes AND, not an either or. 

Embrace the power of your uniqueness and let's celebrate it together!

If you don’t fit into the box of traditional academia and have big dreams, you deserve an academic experience that you can be proud of.